I'm writing about...

How To Choose The Best Shapewear For Large Stomach?

Entering 2023, it feels like my resolution is still the same as the previous year. Having a distended stomach clearly makes self-confidence decrease.

Especially if you are going to attend an event, then you want to wear a dress but your appearance is disturbed because you have a very prominent belly that makes you unsightly.

One solution that I did was to use a corset, unfortunately using a corset can indeed hide a distended stomach, but the drawback is that wearing a corset for too long makes it short of breath.

That's why I had to find a solution to cover my bloated stomach without using a corset!


Use Shapewear Best Solution For Large Stomach

For me wearing a corset is not a solution to comfortably hide a distended belly. If exercise is the solution, maybe this solution will be the last resort because I admit that I'm too lazy to do sports.

Then what's the effective solution?

Now we can choose to wear Shapewear to cover a distended stomach. Shapewear is a new type of corset, but the difference is that shapewear doesn't only focus on the abdomen, but can also lift the breasts and buttocks.

The use of shapewear will form a more proportional body silhouette from top to bottom. By using this shapewear, you don't need to be afraid anymore that your stomach will look distended when wearing clothes.

How To Choose The Best Shapewear For Large Stomach?

Then how do you choose the right shapewear for a distended stomach?

  • First Know Your Body Shape Type

It's good before buying, we already know what type of body shape we are. So when you want to buy a dress with built in shapewear it fits your body shape. How we can know about body shape? Just know the size of the waist, chest and hips. Easy isn't it? so later you can adjust shapewear to each body shape.


  • Choose the Right Size

Try to choose the size not smaller. For example, choosing a shapewear dress you should choose the right size because if it's too small it will accentuate belly fat. 


  • Choose The Color of The Clothes

To disguise a distended stomach, you should also choose shapewear with colors such as navy, nude, pastel etc. Like this Shapewear Full BodySuit with brown color so elegant and looks sleem belly.



Those are the tips for friends who want to buy shapewear with a distended stomach like me. Don't forget to buy shapewear at a specialty store so that in terms of material and shape it makes you comfortable.

Please share your tips when buying her favorite shapewear?


  1. Berarti ini lebih nyaman di pake Yaa drpd korset? Aku tuh pernah beli korset mba, mana harganya muahaal bgt 🤣🤣. Milih size XS, Krn temenku yg LBH besar bdnnya pake itu. Ternyata pas datang, ntah Krn memang kekecilan, atau aku hrs pake bantuan orang lain, itu korset tak terkancing di aku 🤣🤣🤣.

    Dan aku jadi yakin kalo sampe dipaksa pun, bisa2 aku sesak napas. Akhirnya sampe skr barangnya masih di lemari, dan udhlah dilupakan aja 😄. Aku LBH milih workout beban, supaya metabolisme ku kerja 24 jam bakar lemak.

    Tapi kalo shapewearnya ga bikin sesak napas aku pengen punya sih. At least bisa dipake kalo ada acara formil supaya baju jatuh nya juga bagus di badan 😁



Selesai baca yuk tinggalin jejak komennya ^^